

Reports > Working days


Reports Agent's Working Day is a comprehensive and detailed cross-section of information about all operations of field staff with a mobile application.
Report displays the results of visits to clients, timings and operations performed, and other information.

Employee totals

By default, the first screen of the report displays summary information for all agents, allows you to evaluate the indicators when "looking from above" and select the employee of interest to view detailed information.

Attributes of the Employee totals list

EmployeeFull name of the employee who created the document on the mobile device.
RouteLogin of the employee who created the document on the mobile device.
Classifier (one or more)Classifiers of employees
DaysNumber of days for which data from the employee is present in the system.
VisitsTotal number of completed visits to clients.
Phone VisitsNumber of visits made using the function Visits by phone.
Real VisitsNumber of real visits to the points of sale.
OrdersNumber of collected Orders & Pre-orders documents.
Orders amountAmount according to Orders documents collected from customers.
Cash Receipt OrdersNumber of collected Receipt cash orders documents.
Cash Receipt Orders amountAmount according to Cash Receipt Orders documents collected from customers.
MerchandisingsNumber of documents Merchandizings.
RefundsNumber of documents Refunds.
Refunds amountAmount according to Refund documents collected from customers..
Tasks completedNumber of completed Tasks for agents.
PhotoreportsNumber of Photoreports made.
SurveysNumber of Surveys collected.
Vehicle mileage by GPS (km)Mileage of the employee's car according to data from the mobile application based on GPS coordinates.
Time of visitsDuration of all completed visits to clients.
Time of driveDuration of all movements between visits to clients.



If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left. 
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Results for the selected employee

After selecting the employee of interest, summary information will be displayed (similar to the previous level of detail of the report), detailed down by dates.

Attributes of the list of totals for the selected employee

All attributes correspond to the description of the previous level of detail, with the exception of:

Start of workStart time of the working day on the mobile device.
End of workEnd time of the working day on the mobile device.



If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left. 
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Working day details

After selecting a specific working day, the employee report will display information about visits to retail outlets and summary information on them.

Attributes of the working day list

All attributes correspond to the description of the previous level of detail, with the exception of:

Visit ResultResult of the visit selected by the employee from the available preset values.
Distance to visitDistance calculated from GPS data between the point of the visit and the coordinates of the point of sale.
NotesNotes created during the visit, created by an employee using the Notes functionality.



If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left. 
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Detailing visit to client

After selecting the visit of interest to the client, information about the beginning of the visit, the actions performed and the end of the visit will be displayed.

Attributes of the Employee totals list

OperationsName of operation performed during the visit.
Date and time

Date and time of the operation. Value is taken from the system time on the mobile device.

Document numberDocument number assigned during creation on the mobile device.

Amount of the transaction, if any.

ReportLink to the photo attached to operation, if any.



If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left. 
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Additional report features


Export to Excel

Exporting all information from the report in Excel format.

Filter by organizational structure

The ability to filter employees by teams or select all subordinates according to the organizational structure.


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Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.