

Documents > Orders


Order collection is the process of placing a pre-orders by a sales agent for delivery of goods to retail outlets on the route.
Process of ordering goods consists in the formation of a Order document on mobile devices in the fields.

Appearance of the list of documents

By default, the appearance of the list of documents Order looks like this.
This screen displays all the order documents collected by field employees for the entire time of the system operation.

Document List Attributes



CodeDocument code assigned by the system in the mobile application.
Created on PDADate and time the document was created. The value is taken from the system time on the mobile device.
DeliveredDate and time of receipt of the document in The value is taken from the system time on the servers and it is adjusted according to the time zone specified in your company's settings.

Date and time when the document was updated in the database The value is taken from the system time on the servers and it is adjusted according to the time zone specified in your company's settings.

Accepted in ERP

Status of receiving the document by ERP. Presence of this status means that the ERP has informed that the document has been accepted.

Sent to ERPStatus of sending the document from to ERP, but its receiving has not yet been confirmed.
Business statusUser status of the document being imported from the ERP.
Delivery dateDate specified on employee's mobile device, displays an agreement with the client on the desired delivery dates of products to the point of sale.
EmployeeFull name of the employee who created the document on the mobile device.
RouteLogin of the employee who created the document on the mobile device.
WarehouseDisplays selected on mobile device warehouse for document.
FirmLegal entity from which the document was created.
OutletPoint of sale where and for whom field document was created by employee.
National chainNational chain to which the outlet belongs.
Regional chainRegional chain to which the outlet belongs.
CounteragentLegal entity of the client for whom field document was created by employee.
OwnerHead office of the chain or the owner of the client's business.
ContractContract with the client, on the basis of which the calculations of prices and individual conditions were made in the mobile application.
AddressAddress of the location of the outlet where field document was made and where it is necessary to deliver the products or something like that.
Pay typePayment type selected on the employee's mobile device displays the desired form of payment for the application by the client.
Price typeType of prices selected on the employee's mobile device displays the name of the price list, the prices of which were announced to the client when created field document.

Price includes VAT

Status of VAT inclusion in the price of goods within the entire document.
Discount / Extra ChargePercentage of discount or margin set by the employee on the mobile device for the entire document.
Amount without VATAmount of the application document without adding VAT.
Amount with VATAmount of the application document with VAT added.
VAT amountCalculated amount of VAT added to the entire document.
CommentText comment left by an employee on a mobile device during the application process. It may contain important information about client or about document.
Additional attribute (one or more)Additional information about document, informational (for viewing only) or of a collective nature.

If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left. 
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

If an employee says that the documents are buggy and enter the system for a long time, they are trying to mislead you.
The documents fall into at the same moment when the employee performed the exchange on the device.
To check how much time has passed between creating a document and sending it to the employee needs to check the date and time in the columns Created on the PDA and Delivered and calculate the difference.
If you get the impression that documents arrive in the ERP with a long time delay, it is necessary to compare the time difference between the values of the columns Delivered and Changed. by default, it send data to ERP strictly every 10 minutes (all documents with the status not in ERP, even if the document appeared in the system a minute ago), then everything depends on the data import schedules in the ERP.
The common average time of data receipt in ERP is 3-7 minutes.
The Business Status document field is used to transfer to and to the devices of employees of information about the movement of the document on the business process and the final resolution, if such are provided for by the principles of your accounting.
As a rule, information about the approval and the delivery process is uploaded to this field so that the field staff is aware of the fate of the application during the next visits to the client.
To use this status, you will need to finalize the processing of data exchange, contact technical support for information

Additional features of the document list

Export to Excel

Exporting information on the header parts of documents in Excel format.
Detailed information on products is not exporting to Excel.





Detailed document view

To view all the details of the document, including information about the ordered items, click on the button  in the general list of documents.

Additional features for detailed document viewing

Export to Excel

Exporting information from the Order document to MS Excel format.

Export to PDF

Exporting information from the Order document to PDF format.

Examples of using the functionality, including non-standard use


Business problem

Example of using the functionality


Visibility of promotional goods.

Adding an additional attribute of the product to the tabular part of the order document.


Delivery of the same product from different warehouses (logistics optimization).

Adding an additional attribute of the product + an additional extension of the mobile application.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.