

Reports > Receivable


This report displays up-to-date information about the debts of customers according to documents.
The relevance of the data is reflected in the upper left corner of the report - the date when the data on the debts of customers of their ERP was last imported.


By default, the report looks like this:

Report Attributes

Point of SaleOutletCustomer who has a debt.
OwnerOwner of the Outlet is displayed based on the data of directory Owners.
In territoryDisplays a list of employees who have this outlet in territory.
National chainNational chain that includes a retail outlet. Displayed based on data from the directory Chains.
Regional chainRegional chain that includes a retail outlet. Displayed based on data from the directory Chains.
Stop-listYes / No. Indication of the client's is in the stop list is displayed.

Loan term

Term of debt loan, imported from the ERP.
Total debtTotal debt of client, including overdue.
Overdue debtOverdue debt of the client, based on the impoerted loan term.
Receivable on documentsDocument descriptionName of the document on the basis of which the client has a debt.
Debt occurrenceDate of debt occurrence
Maturity dateEstimated date of repayment of the debt.
Days of delayNumber of days after the loan term during which the client does not repay the debt.
DebtDebt on this basis

Working with report

Information displayed in the report is configured on the right side of the screen, on the Columns panel.
By default, the report is always grouped by Owner.
Grouping is configured in the right panel Columns in the field Grouping by records.
Below is the Values field, where you can display the values you need by columns in the report.
By default, the amount for the Total Debt and Overdue Debt columns is enabled.
To expand the grouping, click on the arrow in front of the owner's name.
You will see the information in the context of retail outlets.

To view the full information about point of sale, on the basis of which documents the client has a debt, click on the arrow next to the client's name.
You will see information on debts in the context of documents.

Additional features




Saving custom report settings.


Updating data in the report.


Export to Excel

Exporting data from the report in Excel format with the groupings that are configured by user.


Search by text or numeric value.