

Directories > Owners

Description and appearance

The directory is informative in nature and displays the business owners of customers or the parent companies of the retail outlet network imported into the system.
A directory of retail outlets must be used to work with your clients base.

Attributes of the list of owners

CodeOwner's code, assigned in the ERP or when imported from an Excel template, is also filled in when created manually.
NameName of the owner.
AddressOwner's address.
TelephoneOwner's contact phone number.
ContactContact person of the owner.

Owner's Card

By pressing the button (if the owner record was imported from ERP) or (if owner record was imported from Excel or created manually) you can open the owner's card:

When importing owners data from ERP - manual editing is blocked.
On the Classifiers and Additional Attributes tabs, all available classifiers and additional attributes of the owners directory are displayed. 
On the Retail Outlets tab displays a list of all Owners Points of Sales:

Additional features

Export to Excel

Export directory data to an Excel file.


Export empty template to Excel

Export in Excel format an empty template containing all columns displayed in the table, intended for filling in and subsequent data import.


Export template with data to Excel

Export in Excel format of a template containing all columns displayed in the table and all the directory data visible at the time of exporting.
Intended for information editing and subsequent import it back.


Import from an Excel template

Upload data from Excel template to the directory, exported before by using the Export Excel Template buttons (empty or with data).
Important: template downloaded from the directory should be imported only in that direcotory!



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Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.