

Management > Workflow of agents


Scenario - is a sequence of operations that must be performed during a visit to a client.
Order of actions can be recommended or strict.
Scenarios help regulate the order of certain operations during customer visits, and comply with the company's work standards.

Appearance of workflows

By default, the appearance of worflows list looks like this.

Workflows List Attributes

NameName of workflow.
DescriptionDescription of workflow.
PriorityPriority of triggering workflow on the mobile device.
Lower priority - greater its weight for display.
At the same time, only one scenario per outlet for one employee can be displayed.


Making changes to existing workflow of agents.


Irrevocable deletion of agents workflow. Be careful, after deleting workflow, it will not be possible to restore it!

Workflow Management

By default in there is a standard workflow for agents.
You can either edit it according to your needs using the button Edit  or create a new one by clicking Add 

General Settings

After clicking the workflow creation button, the following page opens.
On the left side there are all available operations that employees can perform at retail outlets (1):

  • selection block,
  • name of workflow,
  • priority of workflow (2),
  • block of operations that determines the functions available in the mobile application (3).

By pressing the button Settings  under the name of workflow opens the possibility of changing:

  • name of workflow,
  • priority of workflow,
  • selection of employees for whom this workflow,
  • selection of outlets for whom this workflow.

This block is closing with button Ready  under the selection table, or by pressing the gear button again.


Operations are added to workflow by dragging from the list on the left to workflow action blocks. 
Each operation is a separate step of workflow.
Steps can be performed in a strictly sequence or free order.


Containers are displayed on the right:

  • Existing by default Common block that can be deleted or renamed,
  • Other, which cannot be deleted, the operations placed in it cannot be mandatory.

Blocks are designed to build workflows based on elements from the field of operations.
You can add an arbitrary number of custom blocks to the workflow using the button Add block .
All blocks, except Other, can be moved through the list by pressing the button Reorder  to the left of the name.

Workflow creating

Free sequence

Free sequence allows a visiting employee to perform available actions in any order.
In order to create a free sequence of actions for mobile employees, it is necessary to drag the operations of interest with the mouse into the field of a block.
So that they are located on the same level.

Free sequence in workflow is often used to remove unnecessary operations from the mobile device for employees, leaving only the necessary ones.
For example, a merchandiser can not add operations to work with orders, leaving only merchandising, tasks and questionnaires.
This allows you to unload the interface of the mobile application and simplify work of employees

Strict sequence

Strict sequence of operations implies that an employee is not able to perform actions in the order specified in the script.
Usually a strict sequence is used in companies where the steps of a visit to a client are strictly formalized.
In order to arrange the operations in a strict sequence of execution, it is necessary to drag the first operation to the block of interest.
After that, add all subsequent operations by dragging the next one to the previous one - they will be displayed in a cascade.

Mixed sequence

Mixed sequence implies the ability to perform some of the items in a free order, but some strictly in a given sequence.

In the example below:

  • Mandatory step Shipment - in strict sequence,
  • After it Incoming Cash Order and Orderin free sequence.

Additional features for working with workflows





Renaming a block

Any block except Other can be renamed according to the user's needs.

Deleting a block

Any block except Other can be removed, according to the user's needs.

Required to perform operation

It is used in the case when it is necessary to designate an operation as mandatory.
On a mobile device, it will not be possible to complete a visit to a client without completing the mandatory item.

Time control

It is used if you need manage execution time of operations by employees while working in fields.

Time Control can be configured:

  • For total time on document,
  • For each time on SKU.

Information messages about the remaining time will be displayed to employes on mobile devices.
Time Control report will gather data for analyse.

Workflows on a mobile device

Workflow in employee's mobile app will look like this.

Mandatory workflow steps are marked with a red asterisk icon here.

Some workflow steps may be blocked.
To unlock them, you need to complete all the previous mandatory steps of workflow.
Optional workflow steps can be skipped.


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