

Reports > Time Control


The report provides information about the time of execution of some operations by field staff during a visit to the client.
It is used to manage the quality of visits and work with deviations from the specified standards for the duration of paperwork.

The control of the normative values of the allowable time for operations is configured in the functionality Agent work scenarios.


Grouping by Date column is enabled by default.
Opposite the names of employees, information about the planned and actually spent time is displayed, as well as the difference between these values.

Report Attributes


Date of the visit.


Full name of the employee who made the visit.


Employee's route number (account).


Point of sale name to which the visit was made.


Address of the location of the point of sale to which the visit was made.

Outlet Type

Type of outlet specified in the ERP.

Regional chainRegional chain to which the outlet belongs.
Order al chainNational chain to which the outlet belongs.

Visit / Plan

The planned duration of the visit (the sum of the planned values for the operation).

Visit / Fact

The actual duration of the visit.

Visit / Delta

The difference between the planned and actual duration of the visit.

Visit Comment

Employee's comment if the visit lasted longer than planned.

Merchandising / Plan

The planned time allotted for merchandising.

Merchandising / FactThe actual time spent on merchandising.
Merchandising / DeltaThe difference between the planned and actual duration of merchandising.
Merchandising CommentComment on merchandising, if the actual time exceeded the planned time.
Survey / PlanThe planned time allotted for filling out the questionnaire.
Survey / FactThe actual time spent filling out the questionnaire.
Survey / DeltaThe difference between the planned and actual duration of filling out the questionnaire.
Survey CommentComment to the questionnaire if the actual time exceeded the planned time.
Order / PlanThe planned time allotted for placing an order.
Order / FactThe actual time spent on ordering.
Order / DeltaThe difference between the planned and actual duration of the order.
Order CommentComment on the order if the actual time exceeded the planned time.



If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left. 
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Additional report features

Search for the entered text in all text fields of the report.

Report Properties

Changing report parameters to build it with other data.

Custom Template

Possibility to save the report parameters selected for displaying columns, their position relative to each other, filters by columns, for subsequent selection of this template when building a report.

Export to Excel

Exporting information from a report in Excel format.


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Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.