

Reports > Sales plan / facts. By clients


This report displays information:

  • about the results of the established sales plans for employees in retail outlets,
  • the percentage of their actual fulfillment,
  • the projected percentage of fulfillment of plans at the end of the period as of the current time.

Building a report

Report parameters

Before building the report, you will be asked to fill in the parameters.
Standard selections are not specified in the parameters.
If necessary, you can use selections to specify which data you need to build a report on.

The following parameters are available for building:

  • Template selection: standard, custom.
    Custom template is available if the report was previously generated and its settings were saved by the user.
  • The period of building the report in months.
  • Building a report on a specific date within the selected month.
  • Selection according to specific sales plans.
  • Selection of employees.

More selections you have specified in the parameters window, faster the report will be built.


By default, the report is generated in the following format:

Report Attributes

Sales planNameName of the sales plan.
DescriptionDescription of the sales plan, filled in when it is created by an office employee.
ResponsibleOffice employee who was listed as responsible when creating the sales plan.
Period fromBegin of the sales plan activity period.
Outside of the activity period, data on customer shipments does not fall into this plan.
Period forEnd of the sales plan activity period.
Outside of the activity period, data on customer shipments does not fall into this plan.
EmployeeEmployeeEmployee who participates in the specified sales plan.
TeamName of the team that the employee belongs to according to the organizational structure.
SupervisorSupervisor of the employee according to the organizational structure.
OutletCodeCode of the point of sale.
NameName of the outlet that participates in the sales plan.
AddressAddress of the point of sale.
ChainChain to which the outlet belongs.
Plan/fact of visitsPlanned VisitsTotal number of scheduled visits to the selected point of the agent for the entire period of the sales plan.
Fact of Planned Visits

Fact number of completed visits to retail outlets on the days of planned visits for the period of the sales plan by the date of the Report on the date.
Unscheduled visits are not taken into account.
Repeated visits (two in one day) are counted as one.

Fact of Unplanned Visits

Fact number of completed visits to retail outlets outside the days of planned visits for the period of the sales plan to the date Report on date.
Repeated visits (two in one day) are counted as one.

Planned Visits LeftPlanned number of visits that an employee has left to make to a point of sale before the end of the sales plan from the date of the Report to date.
ResultsPlan, amountPlanned value of the sales amount for the entire period specified in the context of the plan for the point of sale for the employee.
Fact, amountFact value of the plan amount at the specified point of sale from the beginning of the sales plan on the date of the "Report on the date".
Fact, % completion

Percentage of plan fulfillment at the specified point of sale is calculated on the date of the Report on the date.
Calculation amount: 100% * (Fact Amount / Plan Amount).

Forecast, amount

Estimated value of fact indicator that will be reached at the end of the sales plan period while maintaining the pace of implementation of the sales plan and the visit plan.
Calculation is based on actual data on the date of the Report on the date.
Calculation formula: Fact Amount * (Planned Visits / (Planned Visits - Planned Visits Left)).

Forecast, % completion

Calculated value of the final % of completion, which will be achieved at the end of the period while maintaining the pace of the plan.
Calculation formula: 100% * (Fact Amount / Plan Amount) * (Planned Visits / (Planned Visits - Planned Visits Left)).


Attribute Forecast, % of completion, depending on it value, is highlighted in the appropriate color.

  • Red - the percentage value is less than 50%.
  • Yellow - the percentage value from 50% to 89% inclusive.
  • Green - the percentage value of 90%.

Thus, it is easy to see statistics on the forecast of the implementation of the plan, to identify problem areas of sale.

Report visualization

Columns configuration

Display of the information in the report is configured in the right part of the screen - on the Columns panel (1).
By clicking on the Columns button, the panel will be hidden.
You can return it by clicking again.

Columns can be configured via the context menu of the column.
You can call it by pointing the mouse pointer to the right side of the column.

Through the context menu, you can access the following functions:

  • general setting (1), including:
    • position (2), 
    • width (3),
    • grouping (4);
  • filtering settings (5),
  • column displays (6).

If filtering is enabled for a column, a filter icon will appear to the right of the column name.

Sorting by column (ascending or descending) is done by clicking on its name.
If sorting is enabled for a column, an arrow sign will appear next to the right of the column name indicating the type of sorting.

Grouping records

It is possible to group by columns in two ways:

  • through the context menu of the column Group by... (1),
  • through the Columns panel, Grouping by records block (you need to drag the column) (2).

Below the Grouping by records block is the Values block (3).
With its help, you can configure the display of data by grouped columns in the report.
They will be displayed as additional columns with the appropriate name.
A similar effect can be achieved using the context menu of the columns by clicking the Aggregate values item.


By columns with the Number data type in reports, you can display Subtotals.
To display Subtotals by column, click on the drop-down list right under the column of interest and select the mechanics of interest for counting subtotals.

Available mechanics:

  • Amount - output of the sum of values according to the column data.

  • Average - output of the average value according to the column data (zero values are involved in the calculation).

  • Minimum - output of the minimum value according to the column data.

  • Maximum - output of the maximum value according to the column data.

Additional report features



Return to the Report Parameters window.


Saving custom report settings.


Updating information in the report.

Export to Excel

Exporting information from a report in Excel format.



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