

Reports > Visit plans / facts


Report displays information about planned visits to retail outlets, facts and quality of their visits, as well as KPIs.


There is a list of employees on the left, opposite the agent's name, the percentage of the completion of the visit plan in relation to the planned ones is displayed.
Detailed information on the selected date is displayed in the table on the right.
By default, the appearance of the report looks like this:

To navigate through the list of dates, grouping by employees is used.
To view the list of dates, click on the arrow next to the employee's name.
Selected date is highlighted in blue and the report displays information on planned and actual visits on that day.

Data from this report can be sent to ERP.
Check with the technical support service for all detailed information.


In addition to basic information on customer visits, the report provides information on several KPIs:

  • Call Rate - number of correctly completed visits to retail outlets in relation to the scheduled visits of this day.
    Correct visit is one during which the coordinates of the visit do not differ from the coordinates of the point of sale and the duration of the visit is not less than the established norm.

  • Strike Rate - number of effective visits to retail outlets by sales representatives in relation to the planned visits of a given day, expressed as a percentage.
    Visit that led to the acceptance of a purchase order (order) is effective.
    For example, sales representatives made 9,343 visits to retail outlets during the month, of which 8,222 visits led to the acceptance of an application for goods.
    Accordingly, the Strike Rate in the territory is 88%.
    The strike rate indicator reflects the effectiveness of field teams in the territory.


Setting of standard values for calculating the Call Rate indicator is carried out in the company settings.

Report Attributes




Date of the visit.


Full name of the employee who made the visit.

Outlet code

Code of Outlet.


Point of sale name to which the visit was made.

Regional chainRegional chain to which the outlet belongs.
National chainNational chain to which the outlet belongs.


Client, the owner of the outlet.

Outlet Type

Type of outlet specified in the ERP.


Address of the location of the point of sale to which the visit was made.

VisitMark of the fact of the visit (visited / visited again / not visited).
Visit ResultResult of the visit selected by the employee from the list of preset values.
Visit TypePlanned (according to the visit plan), unscheduled (visit from the territory) or additional visit (visit according to the additional visit plan).
Start of VisitStart time of the visit, in the format HH:MM.
End of VisitEnd time of the visit, in the format HH:MM.
Duration of VisitDuration of the visit, in the format HH:MM.
Distance of VisitGPS distance between the coordinates of the visit and the coordinates of the point of sale.
Order was madeNote about was order made during the visit to the client (Strike Rate).
Call Rate сonditionMark on the fulfillment of the Call Rate conditions.
NotesText of the note left by the employee during the visit to the client.
Classifiers (one or more)Additional custom groupings.

Additional report features


Export to Excel

Exporting information from a report in Excel format.

View of Report

Changing the type of grouping of information in the report between modes

  • From employees to dates
  • From dates to employees

Allows you to evaluate the work of either an employee of interest by day or the entire team for the selected day.

Report in the office web part:

Report in Excel:


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