

Management > Reminders


Reminders are text messages to field staff designed to draw attention or inform agents about certain events.
Reminders can be sent either to an employee or to a specific point of sale.

Appearance of reminder list

Appearance of the reminder list is made in the split-screen mode into 3 workspaces.
On the left is a list of categories:

  • New
  • Not read
  • Read
  • Important
  • To retail outlets
  • On employees

In the center there is a brief information about the reminder.
Detailed information about the selected reminder is displayed on the right.

Appearance looks like this.

Creating new reminder

To create a new reminder, click Create .

General Reminder Settings

In the left part of the window there is a field for entering a message.
To the right of it is indicated the period during which the reminder will be sent to mobile devices (will be active).
After that, select a schedule for sending a reminder:

  • once,
  • every day,
  • on selected days of the week,
  • on selected calendar dates.

Depending on the selected schedule option, the interface will look a little different.

Important reminder

It is possible to set a reminder of increased importance.
If the reminder is scheduled for a visit to the client, the message will be displayed on top of all windows of the mobile application immediately after the start of the visit.
If the reminder is assigned to an employee, the reminder will appear on top of all windows of the mobile application immediately after receipt.
To enable this setting, select .

Important message will also be delivered through the PUSH notification mechanism of the operating system of the user's mobile device, if there is such a technical possibility!

Reminder Recipients

Per employee

If a reminder is to be sent to a visiting employee, it is necessary to select the recipient Employees and select the right staff.

Per customer

If it is necessary for a reminder to appear when a field employee works with certain outlets, it is necessary to select the recipient To outlets.
After that, two new tabs will appear in the selection block:

  • retail outlets - selection from list of all retail outlets in the directory,
  • employee retail outlets - selection only from list of retail outlets added to the territory of field agents.

Be careful, an employee may never receive a notification if you send it to a point of sale that he does not serve!
Perhaps, if you are not sure that you know the territories of your subordinate employees well, it would be better to use the option of selecting employee outlets.

Editing reminder

Changes to reminders that have already been created are possible only if the field staff has not received this reminder.
Such entries are in the category New and when viewing them, the Edit button is available.

Copying reminder

To create a new reminder by copying an existing one, you need to check the box  next to the desired entry and click 
After that, the created reminder will fit into the category New ones where it can be edited if necessary and saved.

Saving reminder

To save a new or made changes to an existing reminder, click, in the lower right corner of the screen.

Deleting reminder

To delete a reminder, you need to check the box  next to the desired entry and click 
Reminder will be permanently deleted.


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Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.