

Reports > Orders


The report reflects information on the number and amount of orders for a selected period and can be used to compare the performance of field staff.
The data in the report is generated on the basis of documents Orders employees created on mobile devices.

Appearance of the report

By default, the first screen of the report displays summary information for all field staff and looks as follows

If you select an employee of interest, you can switch to a more detailed report on sales point transactions.
To do this, click on the line with the employee of interest.
The report will look as follows:

If you select a sales outlet, the report will look like this

Report attributes




The employee's route number (employee account).


The name of the employee. Specified in ERP. Displayed based on data from Employee directory.

Number of orders

Number of documents Orders, employees created on mobile devices.

Amount of orders

The amount in monetary terms of all order documents for the employee.

Number of shipments

Number of documents Shipments, created by a field employee.

Sum of shipments

The amount in monetary terms on all documents shipment to the employee.


Weight of goods items shipped.

If the screen does not fit all the columns, horizontal scrolling to the right and left appears.
The display of the columns, their width and relative position can be adjusted.

Additional report options





Exporting totals to Excel for all employees

Downloading of header information from documents in Excel format.
Detailed product information is not uploaded to Excel.

Exporting totals to Excel on the selected employee

Downloading the selected employee's point of sale transactions in Excel format.
Download is done from the second screen of the customer report.

Export to Excel details on the selected point of sale

Downloading of document information, within the employee's selected point of sale.
The upload is from the third screen of the customer report.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.