

Reports > Worktime indicators


This report is intended to display summary information on the work of mobile employees for a certain period.
Information is displayed in the report:

  • by working days,
  • actual and scheduled visits,
  • average working time on the route, etc.,
  • by the actual work of the agent for the selected period.

The information in the report is displayed in the context of employees.

Building a report

Report Parameters

Before building the report, you will be asked to fill in the parameters.
Standard selections are not specified in the parameters.
The default report generation period is for the last 7 days.
If necessary, you can use selections to specify which specific data you need to build a report on.

The following parameters are available for building:

  • Template selection: standard, custom.
    Custom template is available if the report was previously generated and its settings were saved by the user.
  • Period of building the report.
  • Selection by organizational structure.
  • Selection of employees.

More selections you have specified in the parameters window, faster the report will be generated.


By default, the report is generated in the following format:

Report Attributes

EmployeeEmployeeFull name of the employee.
PositionHis position.
TeamName of the team that the employee is a member of.
SupervisorSupervisor of this employee.
Visits Plan / FactWorking daysNumber of days that the agent has worked for the current period.
TerritoryIncludes all the employee's outlets at the moment.
Visits planCurrent plan of visits to retail outlets for the selected period.
Fact planned visitsHow many visits included in the plan the employee has visited at the moment.
Fact unplanned visitsNumber of unscheduled visits (additional visits).
Fact total visitsAmount of completed visits according to the plan and additional ones.
Average visits per dayRatio of the total number of visits to the number of working days.
Frequency planned visitsRelation of the fact of scheduled visits to the territory.
Frequency total visitsRatio of the fact of planned visits in total to the territory.
Route Rate (%)Ratio of the number of points visited according to the plan to the number of planned visits.
Route Rate total (%)Ratio of the total number of visited points to the number of scheduled visits.
Working Time IndicatorsTime of visits (min)Time spent at retail outlets in minutes.
Time of visits (hour)Time spent in retail outlets in hours.
Drive time (min)Time spent on the road in minutes.
Drive time (hour)Time spent on the road in hours.
Total time (hour)Sum of the time spent on the road and the time of visits.
Average working day (hour)Ratio of the total time in hours to the number of working days.
Average visit (min)Ratio of the time of visits to the fact of visits total.
Average travel time (min)Ratio of travel time (in minutes) to the fact of total visits.

Report visualization

Column configuration

The display of the information displayed in the report is configured on the right side of the screen - on the "Columns" panel (1).
By clicking on the "Columns" button, the panel will be hidden. You can return it by clicking again.

The columns can be configured via the context menu of the column.
You can call it by pointing the mouse pointer to the right side of the column.

Through the context menu, you can access the following functions:

  • general setting (1), including: 
    • position (2), 
    • width (3),
    • grouping (4);
  • filtering settings (5),
  • column displays (6).

If filtering is enabled for a column, a filter icon will appear to the right of the column name.

Sorting by column (ascending or descending) is done by clicking on its name.
If sorting is enabled for a column, an arrow sign will appear next to the right of the column name indicating the type of sorting.

Grouping records

It is possible to group by columns in two ways:

  • through the context menu of the column Group by... (1),
  • through the Columns panel, the Grouping by records block (you need to drag the column) (2).

Below the Grouping by records block is the Values block (3).
With its help, you can configure the display of data by grouped columns in the report.

Values for grouped records will be displayed as additional columns with the appropriate name.
A similar effect can be achieved using the context menu of the columns by clicking the Aggregate values item.
The image below shows an example of the output of the average value for the Visit Plan column with the Territory column grouping enabled.


The columns with the data type Number in the reports are displayed Summarize by column.


The subtotals show the sums of values by columns, with the exception of columns with average values and coefficients (average values are displayed for them).

These columns include:

  • Average number of visits per day, 
  • Frequency of visits according to the plan,
  • Total number of visits,
  • Route Rate (%),
  • Route Rate general (%),
  • Average slave day (hour),
  • Average visit (min),
  • Average travel time (min).

Additional report features



Return to the Report Parameters window.


Saving custom report settings.


Updating information in the report.

Export to Excel

Exporting information from a report in Excel format.