

Reports > Sales


Report provides consolidated information about customers transactions - orders, shipments, payments and refunds.

By default, report includes data only from mobile applications about an orders, payments, refunds, and about shipments from ERP.
If some of the orders, refunds or payments get into the ERP not from our mobile application, they could not apper in that report.
In that case if it is necessary to display all the data from the ERP and ensure data convergence, individual modification of the data exchange module may be required.
Please, contact with technical support for more information.
Report has two options for displaying information:

  • Sales by owners
  • Sales by retail outlets

Sales by owners

By default, the first report screen displays summary information for all owners and looks like this:

When selecting an owner, it is possible to view more detailed report based on the outlets of this owner.
To do this, click on the line with the name of the owner.
The report will look like this:

And when you select a point of sale, the report will look like this:

You can open the documents for viewing and view the details by clicking on the link in the Document Number column.

Additional features of report by owners

Export to Excel totals for all clients

Exporting information on owners transactions in Excel format.
Exporting is carried out from the first screen of the owner report.

Export to Excel totals for the selected client

Exporting information on operations with outlets of the selected owner in Excel format.
Exporting is carried out from the second screen of the owner report.

Export to Excel details for the selected client

Exporting information about documents within the selected point of sale of the owner.
Exporting is carried out from the third screen of the owner report.





Sales by retail outlets

To view the report in the retail outlets mode, click 
The report looks like this:

When selecting a point of sales, it is possible to view a detailed report based on the documents of this point of sale.
To do this, click on the line with the name of the outlet.
The report will look like this:

You can open the documents for viewing details by clicking on the link in the Document Number column.

Additional features of report by retail outlets

Export to Excel totals for all outlets

Exporting information on operations with retail outlets in Excel format.
Exporting is carried out from the first screen of the report on retail outlets.

Export to Excel details for the selected outlets

Exporting of information on operations within the selected points of sales.
Exporting is carried out from the second screen of the report on retail outlets.





Heat Map of Sales

The sales heat map is designed to visualize the hotbeds of sales on the ground.
By zooming in/out, the details of the points and the thermal designation will change.
To view the map, click 


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