

Management > Marketing materials


Marketing materials are designed to provide convenient access to planograms, as well as any other materials (booklets, catalogs, presentations, etc.) on employees' mobile devices.


Planograms are a graphical representation of the rules for the location of products on the shelves of retail outlets.
Section provides access to all planograms uploaded to the service

Presentation materials

Section is intended for storing any presentation materials used in the work of visiting employees.
It can be used to store and provide access to catalogs, booklets, leaflets and any other graphic materials.

Working with marketing materials

Principle of working with planograms and presentation materials is completely identical.

Adding marketing material

First of all, you need to choose the type of material:

  • planogram,
  • presentation material.

Only retail outlets can be recipients of planograms. 
Presentation materials may be intended for:

  • either for employees (then a separate item Materials will be available in the menu in the mobile application),
  • or for retail outlets (then the item Materials will be available while working with the outlet).

To add new material, click Add  and fill in the name and description for the new entry, then select the recipients.

Working with files

Adding Files

To add attachments to marketing materials, use the Files tab.
Using the button Add file , the necessary materials are downloaded from files on your computer.
For each file, you must fill in the Description field.

While selecting files to download, you can select several at once, for this you need to hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on the files you need on your computer!
Acceptable formats of uploaded files: JPG, PNG, PDF, HTML.

Deleting Files

To delete files, select the ones you are interested in (you can mark several at once) and click the Delete button .

Saving marketing material

To save the marketing material, click the Save button .

Editing marketing material

To edit the marketing material, click Edit button  opposite the entry of interest.

Removing marketing material

There are two ways to remove marketing material:

  1. Open the entry of interest for editing and click the Delete button  in the lower left corner.
  2. In the general list, tick the records of interest and click Delete at the top of the page (this way you can delete many records at a time).

If you mistakenly deleted marketing material that you didn't need to delete, display the entries marked for deletion by clicking the button Show deleted , find the desired entry and click Restore.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.