

Management > GPS


GPS monitoring allows you to:

  • Analyze information about the movements of the visiting employee for the selected date.
  • Get an overview of the location of all agents in real time.
  • Control the quality of visiting by visiting staff of clients and to prevent fictitious phone visits.
  • Avoid attempts by a sales representative to cheat the system by manually changing the coordinates of their location.


First screen after switching to the GPS monitoring section is Drives. 
This mode is designed to analyze the work of a particular employee for a selected date.

Drives section is filled with data as information is received from agents on the route.
If the employee did not exchange data, then information about the track and visits for the day may be partially or completely missing.

List of employees

On the left side of the page, a list of employees is displayed, information about the movement of which is available in the system for the selected date.
If a visiting employee is added to the team (Organizational Structure functionality), the team name will be displayed above his name.


Map with the track of the selected employee's movement is displayed in the center of the screen.

Following markers are displayed on the map:

     - begin of the employee's GPS track for the selected day.
     - end of the employee's GPS track for the selected day.
     - recorded fact of the correct start or end of the visit to the client (the distance from the recognized coordinates of the point of sale allowed in the GPS monitoring of the start of the visit setting is not exceeded). 
     - recorded fact of an incorrect start or end of a visit to the client (the distance allowed in the GPS monitoring of the start of the visit setting from the recognized coordinates of the point of sale has been exceeded, provided that the setting does not prohibit such a visit).

Markers for the beginning and end of the session can be combined:

     - if employee performed both actions correctly,
     - if employee made the correct start of the visit, but the incorrect end,
     - if begin and end of the visit are recorded with a violation.

     - fact of making a phone visit when the employee did not physically visit the outlet, but issued one or more documents.
     - recorded fact of the visit, but the system could not determine its correctness (the mobile device did not transmit the coordinates at the time of the visit).
     - recorded fact of the visit, but the system could not determine its correctness (the outlet does not have a recognized address).
     - display of recognized location of customer's point of sale to which the visit was made is displayed by clicking on one of the three variants of the visit markers.

And also the following types of tracks (lines) are displayed on the map:

  • Solid blue - the coordinates were received from the mobile device regularly, there are no problems in determining the location of the employee.
  • Blue dotted line - coordinates were not received from a mobile device or were received intermittently (you can also observe such a track when driving at high speed on roads).
    Those places where the coordinates were not displayed with a dotted line connecting directly the end and the beginning of a high-quality track.
  • Pink - the coordinates were received correctly from the mobile device, but the employee did not finish the visit to the client in the mobile application and began moving along the route.
  • Outliers - are rare, can only be determined visually, looks like a high-quality track, but with the instantaneous movement of an employee over long distances, sometimes repeated several times.
    Most often caused by switching a mobile device from the coordinates of satellites to the coordinates of cell towers or Wi-Fi networks.
    Sometimes outliers may indicate an attempt by employees to manipulate mobile devices in order to hide their movements.


Dotted (broken) lines are actually a signal that the mobile device did not receive data from the GPS module in the application.

There may be several reasons:

  • Mobile Device has been turned off for a while.
  • Mobile Application was turned off for a while (then the GPS module could transmit coordinates, but there was nowhere to go).
  • Mobile Application was minimized or the device was in sleep mode (for older devices that do not support the operation of applications and GPS module in the background).
  • Poor GPS signal (you need to understand that phones are not equipped with professional GPS receiver modules, which are affected even by clouds, not to mention buildings, bridges and tunnels).

If situation repeats with enviable regularity, we recommend swapping devices between employees who are doing well with the track and a problematic employee. 
It is better for employees not to advertise this in order to avoid possible agreements. 
Such an operation will help to understand whether the user may be trying to influence the operation of GPS (wrapping the device with foil, for example, such cases have happened). 
If, even after exchanging devices, another employee has intermittent lines, it is better to replace the device with a more modern one.

Additional features of working with map





Working Day Player

Enabling the interactive playback mode of the employee's working day.


Session plan control mode

Switching the displayed information on the map to the session plan view mode.

 (green markers) - completed planned visits.
 (red markers) - imperfect planned visits.
 (yellow markers) - completed unplanned visits.

Track points mode

Switching track output mode between line and coordinate points.
When you click on a track point, additional information about the agent's location is available at any given time.

Visits details

Screen on the right shows detailed information about the length of the route, the length of the working day, travel time between outlets and overview data on visits to customers.
All non-standard sessions are highlighted in color.
From the block of the visit to the point of sale, you can open the client's card for viewing, as well as the collected documents.


LiveGPS - real-time monitoring of employee movements.

For the LiveGPS functionality to work, the corresponding option must be enabled in the company settings. 
In order for the current route coordinates to be displayed in LiveGPS, it is necessary that the same time zone is set on the device as in the company's Cloud settings.
It is recommended to use this option only if it is really necessary.
Enabling Live GPS can lead to higher mobile communication costs and faster battery consumption on a mobile device.
On the left side of the screen, a list of employees who are currently in touch is displayed (there is Internet and GPS signal on the mobile device) (1).
Color label is installed in front of each employee, showing the color of the employee's track on the map (2).
Color can be changed to any color, the setting will remain with the employee.
If there is no employee in the list, it means that his mobile device does not receive GPS data from the satellite or there is no mobile Internet.
You can see the last fixed position by switching to the "No Connection" mode (3).

Service allows you to view tracks for certain periods of time (4):

  • for the last 30 minutes
  • for the last hour
  • for the last 2 hours
  • last position

It is possible to change the size of the areas with the list of visiting employees and the map (6).
Using the settings (5), you can display or hide part of the displayed data in the area with the list of visiting employees.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.