

Reports > Expensive POSM


The report on expensive POSM displays consolidated information on:

  • names and remnants of expensive POSMs in retail outlets,
  • data on their serial numbers,
  • applications for installation and dismantling,
  • employees who carried out this activity.

The report is generated on the basis of expensive POSM accounting documents created on mobile devices by field personnel.

This functionality is part of the business process of POSM accounting.
For its implementation into ERP an individual revision of the data exchange module may be required.
Please, contact technical support for more information.


By default, the appearance of the report on expensive POSM looks like this:

Before building a report, it is suggested to select a report template and the period for which the data will be displayed:

A custom template is your personal set of columns and groupings of records, which you can set after building the report and save using the button to use in the future.

Report Attributes

DateDate of the expensive POSM accounting operation.
EmployeeFull name of the employee who created the expensive POSM accounting document on the mobile device.
RouteThe employee's route number.
OutletThe point of sale where expensive POSM transactions were executed.
AddressThe address of the location of the outlet where expensive POSM was accounted for.
OwnerThe head office of the chain or the owner of the client's business.
National chainNational chain to which the outlet belongs.
Regional chainRegional chain to which the outlet belongs.
POSMName of the registered expensive POSM.
Serial numberSerial number of expensive POSM.
At startThe number of expensive POSM in the outlet at the beginning of the visit.
MountingThe amount of expensive POSM that was installed at the point of sale.
DismantlingThe amount of expensive POSM that was dismantled at the point of sale.
At endThe number of expensive POSM in the outlet at the end of the visit.

If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left.
The display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized - the width is changed by dragging the dividers between the columns.
Columns can also be dragged to swap places, and the display is either in the context menu of the column or in the list of columns on the right side of the page.

Additional features of Expensive POSM report

Export to Excel

Exporting the generated report in Excel format.


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