

Documents > Additional loading requisition


Request for additional loading - is a document in which the sales representative indicates how much goods he plans to pick up from the distributor's warehouse and ship to his car.

That document does not create any movements of the registers either on the mobile device or in .
It is intended for importing into ERP and involvement in the business processes of the warehouse.
It is used to inform the warehouse about the planned loading of the sides to reduce the downtime of cars at the base.
Individual modification of the data exchange module may be required for implementation in ERP.
Please, contact technical support for more information.

Appearance of the list of documents

By default, the appearance of the list of documents Request for additional loading looks like this:

Document List Attributes

CodeDocument code assigned by the system in the mobile application.
Created on PDADate and time the document was created. The value is taken from the system time on the mobile device.
DeliveredDate and time of receipt of the document in The value is taken from the system time on the servers and it is adjusted according to the time zone specified in your company's settings.

Date and time when the document was updated in the database The value is taken from the system time on the servers and it is adjusted according to the time zone specified in your company's settings.

Accepted in ERP

Status of receiving the document by ERP. Presence of this status means that the ERP has informed that the document has been accepted.

Sent to ERPStatus of sending the document from to ERP, but its receiving has not yet been confirmed.
Business statusUser status of the document being imported from the ERP.
EmployeeFull name of the employee who created the document on the mobile device.
RouteLogin of the employee who created the document on the mobile device.
Warehouse senderWarehouse from which the goods are moved.
Warehouse recipient

Warehouse to which the goods are being moved.

КомментарийText comment left by an employee on a mobile device during the application process. It may contain important information about client or about document.

If not all columns fit on the screen, horizontal scrolling of the screen appears to the right and left.
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Detailed document view

To view all the details of the document, including information about product items, click on the button  on the general list of documents.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.