

Settings > Additional attributes


This section allows you to create and edit additional attributes that are missing in your work for the most popular sections of the service.

Working with additional attributes

The Additional Attributes section can be accessed from the Settings section of menu.
Attributes can be added both to directories, such as Owners (of Points of Sales), Outlets, SKUs, and to the Documents themselves.
Additional attributes can be added as to the header (the upper part in the office application) or to the Details of documents (in the mobile application).

Creating an additional attribute

To create a new attribute, select the section you need in the left menu and use the button Create attribute .


For additional attributes of directories, you can also select and assign:

  • For information — to show additional information in the mobile application.
  • For data collection — to collect additional information in the mobile application.
Fill in the Attribute name (1), select the target (2) and specify the data type (3).
If you have selected the data type "Drop-down list" or "Multiple choice", you will also need to add arbitrary values of the additional. attribute (4) using the button  (a mobile employee will work with these values).

Use button to save the attribute.

Newly created additional attributes will be available in the office part immediately after creation, and in the mobile application only after downloading the full database.

Editing an additional attribute

To edit, select the desired attribute and use the button Edit .

Make the necessary changes and use the button Save .

Deleting an additional attribute

To delete, select the attribute and use the button Delete attribute , after that, you will need to confirm the deletion:

In some integration options, additional attributes are imported in from the Accounting System.
In this case, editing and managing the additional attributes should occur in the Accounting System, in editing is blocked.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.


Содержимое с указанными метками не найдено.