

Shipment of goods is a process in which employee ships goods from his car to buyer.
To record shipment of goods, you need to create document Shipment.
Before creating document, you need to begin visit to Point of Sale.
If Point of Sale is in the stop list, then it is impossible to create document Shipment in it.

Calling dialog form:  > Route > Outlet > Shipment


Order collection algorithm:

  1. Begin your visit at Outlet.
  2. Click Shipment.
  3. Fill in document.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Check details of document.
  6. Click Save.

Document appearance

By default, tabular part of Shipment document looks like this:

By default, when opening document, only those SKUs for which there are balances are displayed (Goods in stock filter is enabled).

Attributes of tabular part

SKUsName of SKU.
CodeCode of SKU.
RestActual balance of goods in stock.
Recommended QuantityRecommended minimum quantity of goods for shipment.
QuantityQuantity of goods to be shipped and its unit of measurement.
PricePrice per unit of goods at point of sale (depends on quantity of selected product and its unit of measurement).
AmountTotal cost of shipped goods.
WeigthWeight of shipped quantity of goods
Price typePrice list that contains information about price for product.
DiscountPossible discount on product.
Manual discountDiscount on product, which an employee can set manually, if such opportunity is available in system.
Additional attribute
(one or more)
Additional information about products.

Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Data entry

Price entry

  1. Select cell at intersection of SKU line and Price column, calculator will appear.
  2. Enter desired value (it cannot be zero).
  3. To specify price from list of price types set in the office, click List.
  4. Click OK.

Quantity entry

  1. Select cell at intersection of SKU line and column Quantity, calculator will appear.
  2. If necessary, change unit of measurement of product (if multiple units are used).
  3. Enter desired value (it should not exceed quantity of goods on balance). 
  4. To fill cell with recommended quantity of product, click Auto (individual modification may be required).
  5. Click OK.

Manual discount entry

  1. Select cell at intersection of SKU line and Manual discount column, calculator will appear.
  2. Enter desired value.
  3. To replace discount with an extra charge, press + / −.
  4. Click OK.

Thumbnail mode data entry

Calling dialog form:  > Thumbnails

In thumbnail mode, products are displayed as tiles with pictures.
This makes design of shipment more visual.

In addition to images, tiles contain basic information about SKU:

  • price,
  • balance,
  • quantity,
  • cost of ordered goods.

Clicking on product image opens screen with detailed information about it.

To increase size of thumbnails, click  and choose Big pictures.
To arrange shipment of goods in thumbnail mode, click Ship, then enter required amount on calculator and click OK.

After entering data for all necessary products, click Next.

When you exit document, system remembers last display mode (List or Thumbnails).
To disable thumbnail mode, click  and choose List.

Document details

FirmFirm from whose warehouse shipment is carried out.
OutletName of Point of Sale to which shipment is made.
BuyerName of Owner of Outlet.
CounteragentCounteragent to whom shipment is made.
ContractContract under which shipment is executed.
WarehouseAutomobile warehouse of route.
Payment typePayment type for Point of Sale.
Price typePrice type for this Outlet.
DiscountValue of document discount.
RetailFact of retail sales.
Additional attributes
(one or more)
Values of additional attributes of header part of document.

Additional features

Calling dialog form: by clicking on button  on document screen.

Switch to thumbnail mode

 > Thumbnail

Fill in document with recommended quantity of SKUs

 >Fill in recommended amount

Set discount for several SKUs at once

 > Set discount on current products

Set extra rate for several SKUs at once

 > Set extra rate on current products

Report list for Point of Sale

 > Reports

Get up-to-date information on SKUs

 > Data Exchange

Clear document

 > Clear

Add or remove columns

 > Configure Columns

Final report

After entering data for all shipped goods, click Next, final report will open:

Additional features

Add comment to document

Print document

Change details

 > Details

Back to document editing

Saving document

To save document, in final report, click Save.
System will send document to at next data exchange session.
If in details of document in field The payment type is specified as Payment on shipment, then when saving document, system will offer to create document Cash Receipt Order.

  • Yes – save document Shipment and create on its basis document Cash Receipt Order.
  • Not – save document Shipment without creating document Cash Receipt Order.
  • Cancel – do not save Shipment document.

Checking for exceeding limit

When saving document, following criteria are checked:

  • credit limit;
  • credit period limit;
  • document amount limit;
  • limit of maximum / minimum discount.

If several limits are set for client, system checks their excess sequentially:

  • by Agreement (Contract);
  • by Point of Sale;
  • by Owner.

If limit is exceeded, system notifies user about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can employee edit prices?
    Yes, he can, if Price editing mode setting is enabled in, than employee will be able to enter prices manually or select them from the list of price lists.
  2. How do I enable manual filling of discount?
    In for each employee who needs such feature, it is necessary to enable Allow manual discount setting in Employees directory.
  3. Is it possible to change minimum price?
    Individual refinement will be required.
  4. Is it possible to change maximum price?
    Individual refinement will be required.