

Warehouse stock report displays information about remaining SKUs in stock and their price according to different price lists.

Calling dialog form:  > Reporst > Warehouse stock

Appearance of report and its features

Header part

In the header part, the contextual product search field is displayed.
To quickly find the desired position, just enter part of its name and click the Find button.

Table part

  • Code — SKU number.
  • SKU — SKU name. 
  • Quantity — rests of SKU in stock in active units of measurement.
  • Unit of measurement — name of active unit of measurement of SKU.
  • Price list — price per item in specified unit of measurement for selected price list.
  • Weight — weight of SKU.

Report configuration

Price list selection

To select one or more price lists to display in the report, click on 

After that, one or more columns with the names of the selected price lists and prices for positions on them will be added to the report.

SKU Groups selection

To select one or more product groups to display in the report, click 

After that, the report will display information only on the product items of the selected groups.

Warehouses selection

To change the display of product rests between warehouses in the report, click on 


This button is available only if in the settings of the Warehouse Rests constant is set to the value of the Order Reservation Warehouse.