

In Return Document, employee records fact of return of previously purchased goods by point of sale.
Before creating document, you need to begin visit to Point of Sale.


Refund processing algorithm:

  1. Begin visit to Retail Outlet.
  2. Click Refund.
  3. Fill in table.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Check details of document.
  6. Click Save.
Calling dialog form:  > Route > Outlet > Refund

Table part

By default, tabular part of Refund Document looks like this:

Attributes of table part

SKUsName of SKU.
CodeCode of SKU.
QuantityQuantity of SKU to be returned and unit of measurement of it.
PriceUnit price of returned SKU (displayed per unit of measurement selected by default)
AmountTotal cost of returned SKU.
Basis-documentDocument on basis of which refund is made.
Additional attribute
(one or more)
Additional information about SKU, informational (for viewing only) or collectible.

Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Data entry

  1. Select cell at intersection of SKU line and Price column, calculator will appear.
  2. Click List.
  3. List of Shipment documents will open, in which selected SKU is present (for each document, quantity of goods sold and price for one unit are indicated).
  4. Select one of documents that will become basis-document for selected SKU.
  5. If there are no documents in the list, enter price manually using calculator.
  6. In Quantity column, specify quantity of returned SKU (it should not exceed quantity specified in basis-document).
  7. If necessary, change unit of measurement of SKU.
  8. Click OK.
  9. If necessary, fill in additional attributes.

After entering data for all necessary SKUs, click Next.

Additional features

Open reports list for Point of Sale

 > Reports

Get up-to-date information for SKUs

 > Data Exchange

Clear document

 > Clear

Add or remove columns

 > Configure Columns

Final report

After entering data for all necessary products, click Next, final report will open.

Additional features

Add comment to document

Print document

Edit details

 > Details

Back to document editing

Document Saving

To save document, in final report, click Save.
System will send document to at next data exchange session.