

POSM (commercial equipment) accounting is process of registration of activities related to POS materials:

  • dismantling POSM;
  • installing POSM;
  • request for dismantling POSM;
  • request for POSM installation;
  • POSM monitoring.

To mange POSM on mobile device, you need to create document POSM.
Before creating document, you need to begin visit to Point of Sale.
It is not possible to create several POSM documents in one day at one Point of Sale.
Employee does not create new document, but edits an existing one.

To automate process of accounting commercial equipment, individual refinement may be required.

Calling dialog form:  > Route > Outlet > POSM


POSM accounting algorithm:

  1. Begin visit to Retail Outlet.
  2. Click POSM.
  3. Fill in table.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Check details of document.
  6. Click Save.
In one POSM document, you can simultaneously create:

  • POSM monitoring — tracking rests of POS materials available at point of sale.
    Monitoring can be performed both for company's equipment and for Competitors POSM.
  • Installation / Dismantling — installation or dismantling of company's POS materials at point of sale.
    Installation or dismantling is carried out directly by sales representative (person who draws up document).
  • Request for installation / Request for dismantling — registration of an request for installation or dismantling of expensive POS materials of company at point of sale.
    Sales representative does not perform installation or dismantling — he only creates an request for implementation of these activities in future.

Tabular part

By default, tabular part of POSM document looks like this:

Document displays POSM, POSM expensive, POSM competitors.
If a document is created on basis of already existing data (there is monitoring data on POSM register or there is an unsent POSM document in program), when it is opened, Selected products filter is automatically enabled (only products for which there is data on balances at this Point of Sale are displayed).

Attributes of the table part

EquipmentName of equipment.
Type of equipment is indicated in parentheses or under name (POSM, POSM expensive, POSM competitors).
Balance at begin of visitRest of equipment at begin of visit to Outlet.
By default, data on remaining equipment is displayed, or dash if there is no data on remaining equipment.
InstallationNumber of equipment installed at Point of Sale.
For product with POSM expensive type, it is filled in as an application for installation, for product with POSM competitors type, it is not specified.
DismantlingNumber of equipment dismantled at Point of Sale.
For product with POSM expensive type, it is filled in as an application for dismantling, for product with POSM competitors type, it is not specified.
Balance at end of visitRemaining equipment at end of visit:
  • for POSM type:
    Balance at end of visit = Balance at begin of visit + InstallationDismantling
  • for POSM expensive and POSM competitors types: 
    Balance at end of visit = Balance at begin of visit

Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Data entry

  1. Select cell (at intersection of equipment line and balance at begin of visit column).
  2. Form for entering data will appear.
  3. Fill in form fields.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click , to return to equipment list.
  6. After entering data for all necessary positions, click Next.

Features of document

  • For POSM — monitoring and installation / disassembly are executed;

  • For POSM Expensive — monitoring and requesting for installation / dismantling;

  • For POSM Competitors — only monitoring.

POSMPOSM ExpensivePOSM Competitors
Balance at end of visit+++



Serial number entry

For POSM Expensive when filling in attributes of Balance at begin of visit / Dismantling it is necessary to specify serial numbers of each equipment.
When filling in attribute Installation (when creating an request for installation), it is not necessary to specify serial number (employee may not know which equipment will be installed at Point of Sale based on his request).

Serial number could be:

  • entered manually,
  • selected from list by clicking ,
  • scanned with barcode.

To add serial number, click.
To delete serial number, click.
If equipment is placed according to standard, set flag According to the standard.

Number of serial numbers entered must match number of equipments.
Otherwise, it is impossible to save information about equipments.

Dismantling of Expensive POSM is carried out only by serial numbers that are listed on registers (those numbers that were specified during monitoring).

POSM Barcode scanning

Manufacturers of POSM Expensive assign serial numbers to each unit.
Distributors, to account expensive equipment, generate serial numbers of each equipment in form of unique barcode.
In POSM document, you can scan this barcode corresponding to serial number to account movements of expensive equipment.

POSM Placement Standard

Placement standard - description of how specific POS materials should be placed. 
Standard, in fact, is description in graphic and text form.
POSM placement standard is located in right sidebar.
To display it, click on name of desired equipment.

Placement standard is also displayed when filling in its quantity.

Document details

Calling dialog form:  > Details

OutletName of point of sale where document created.
Sender WarehouseName of warehouse from which equipment for installation will be received.

Receiver WarehouseName of warehouse to which dismantled equipment will be shipped.

To save the changes, click Save.

Additional features

Calling dialog form: by clicking on the button  on the document screen.

Clear document

 > Clear

Add or remove columns

 > Configure Columns

Final report

After entering data for all necessary positions, click Next, final report will open:

Additional features

Add comment to document

Print document

Edit details

 > Details

Back to editing

Saving document

To save document, in final report, click Save.
System will send document to at next data exchange session.