

After start of visit, information about outlet is automatically opened.
Outlet card displays information about the client: banking details, accounts receivable, history of payments, notes about client and plan of visits.

Calling dialog form:

   > Route > Outlet > Outlet Card
   > Route > Outlet > Reports > Outlet Card

To stop report from being automatically displayed when you start working with outlet, turn off the Show when you start working setting.

Header part

  • name of Point of Sale;
  • address of Point of Sale.

Debt's color indicator

Information about debts and balance of limit.
Following color indication is used in block:

    ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ — Outlet has an overpayment or debt within the established limits.
    КРАСНЫЙ — Outlet has debt if limits are exceeded by amount or by days.

To view detailed information about debts, click on the line to expand it.

Sales plan

This block contains information about the amount of the sales plan and its implementation at the point of sale.

The pie chart shows the percentage of actual plan fulfillment at the point of sale.
The forecast of plan fulfillment is the estimated value of the final % of fulfillment that will be achieved at the end of the period while maintaining the pace of plan fulfillment.

Mutual payments

This block contains information about all movements on the client and is a simplified report for reconciliation of data with the client's accounting department.
It is also possible to send the information to the client by e-mail by clicking on Send to email button and specifying desired address.

By default, the system does not display complete information in this report, because in typical projects, information about cash receipts from the client by bank transfer or refunds created not through an agent does not get into the mobile application.
To finalize this report and bring it in line with the information in the accounting system, you need to contact the technical support service to finalize the integration module.

General information

This block contains information about the Point of Sale.
To edit the details of the point of sale in this block, Change details button is used.
All changes will be included in the Census section of


This block is displayed only when there are notes for this outlet.

Calendar of visits

The calendar displays information about past and planned visits to the outlet.

Calendar uses the following color indication:

   — planned and additional completed visits before the current date,
   — planned completed visits before the current date,
   — additional completed visits before the current date,
   — current date,
   — planned visits after the current date,
   — additional visits after the current date.

All outlets of owner

This block is displayed only when there are several outlets of the same owner in the system and the visited outlet is one of them.
Functionality allows you to quickly switch to the context of another point of sale of the owner, for example, to get information about the plan of visits to another outlet of the same chain of stores.


To set a route from your current location to the coordinates of the Point of Sale, click the Navigator button and select the application that is convenient for you:

  • Google Maps,
  • Yandex.Navigator,
  • CityGid.

If no navigation app is installed on the device, then you will automatically go to the download page in Google Play.