

With document Order and Merchandising, employee simultaneously draws up buyer's request for delivery of goods and collects information about availability, quantity and prices of goods at Retail Outlets.
Before starting work with Order and Merchandising document, you need to begin visit to Retail Outlet.
After completing work with document it would be devided on two documents: Order and Merchandising.


Algorithm of work with document

  1. Begin visit to Retail Outlet.
  2. Click Order and Merchandising.
  3. Fill in table.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Check details of document.
  6. Click Save.
Calling dialog form:  > Route > Outlet > Order and Merchandising.

Tabular part

By default, tabular part of Order and Merchandising document looks like this:

Attributes of tabular part

SKUsName of SKU.
CodeCode of SKU.
StockActual balance of goods in stock.
Balance at Point of Sale
  • Quantity of product (if by quantity attribute is set for product).
    Possible values: Integer / Fractional for weight items.
  • Availability of product (if by availability attribute is set for product).
    Possible values: No data (there is no information about availability of product), There is (product is in stock), There is no (product is missing).
Recommended quantity
Recommended minimum quantity of goods to be ordered at point of sale.
QuantityQuantity of product to order and unit of measurement of product.
PricePrice per unit of product (in default units of measurement).
AmountTotal cost of ordered goods.
Regular pricePrice set for product at point of sale.
FacingsNumber of units of products displayed at point of sale, and visually accessible for buyers.
Weight of ordered quantity of goods.

Price type

Price list that contains information about price for product.
Possible discount on product.
Manual discount
Discount on product, which an employee can set manually, if such opportunity is available in system.
Additional attribute
(one or more)
Additional information about product, informational (for viewing only) or collectable.

If not all columns fit on screen, swipe your finger from right to left.
Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Data entry

  1. Select cell (at intersection of product and column), calculator will appear.
  2. Enter desired value.
  3. Click OK.
  4. After entering data for all necessary products, click Next.

For convenience, use product grouping or hide unused columns.

Final report

After entering data for all necessary products, click Next.
Final report will open, divided into two blocks: Order and Merchandising.

Additional features

Add comment

Print document

Change details

 > Details

Back to editing

Sending collected data to e-mail

After order information is collected, employee will have opportunity to send completed document to specified email address in mobile application.

Saving document

To save document, in final report, click Save.
System will send document to at next data exchange session.