

Merchandising is a process of getting information about availability, quantity and prices of SKUs at Outlets.
To collect such information, you need to issue Merchandising document.
Before completing document, you need to begin visit to Outlet.
It is not possible to create several Merchandising documents in one day at one Outlet.
All changes are made to the same document, even if this document has already been saved.


Algorithm of merchandising:

  1. Begin visit to Retail Outlet.
  2. Click Merchandising.
  3. Fill in the table.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Check details of document.
  6. Click Save.

Calling dialog form:  > Route > Outlet > Merchandising

Tabular part

By default, tabular part of Merchandising document looks like this:

New document Merchandising can be automatically filled in with the last remnants of SKUs at the point of sale, prices of goods, data on facings.
To do this, enable constant Automatic filling of Merchandising document in
In this case, when opening document, by default, products with already filled in information are displayed (i.e. the "selected products" filter is enabled).

Attributes of the tabular part of the document

SKUsSKU name
Balance at Outlet
  • Quantity of SKUs (if by quantity attribute is set for SKU). Possible values: integer, number / fractional for a weight item.
  • Availability of SKU (if by availability attribute is set for SKU). Possible values: No data (there is no information about availability of product), There is (product is in stock), There is no (product is missing).
Price at OutletPrice at which product is sold at Outlet.
FacingNumber of units of SKUs displayed at Outlet, and visually accessible for buyers.
Additional attribute
(one or more)
Additional information about SKU, informational (for viewing only) or collectable.

Display of columns, their width and relative position can be customized.

Data entry

  1. Select cell (at intersection of sku and column), calculator will appear.
  2. Enter desired value.
  3. Click OK.
  4. After entering data for all necessary products, click Next.

For convenience, use SKU grouping or hide unused columns.

Final report

After entering data for all necessary products, click Next, final report will open.

Additional features

Add comment to document

Print document

Change details

 > Details

Back to document editing

Saving document

To save document, in final report, click Save.
System will send document to at next data exchange session.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I change data collection mode (by quantity or by availability)?
    To do this, it may be necessary to finalize the exporting of data from ERP.
    Contact technical support to resolve this issue.

  2. Is it possible to collect additional information in addition to balances, facings and prices provided in system at Retail Outlets?
    Yes, it is possible, for this it is necessary to add additional attributes with the type of information you are interested in to the place of the system you are interested in.