Cash Receipt Order is a document in which employee records the fact of receipt of funds to his cash desk.
This can be repayment of debt or prepayment from client.
Calling dialog form:
> Route > Outlet > Cash Receipt OrderTabular part
Tabular part of document displays a list of invoices for which Outlet has a debt:
- invoices exported from ERP;
- unpaid invoices;
- partially paid invoices.
Invoices are highlighted in color depending on date of their creation:
КРАСНЫЙ — overdue invoices (exceeded debt period limit).
ЖЕЛТЫЙ — invoices for which debt period limit expires soon.
To sort invoices by one of the columns, click on its header.
Attributes of the table part
- Date — document number and date of its creation;
- Amount — total amount of debt (i.e. amount that was before payment);
- Debt — amount of debt.
Payment of invoice debt
- Click on line with required invoice, deposit screen will open.
- Click on empty field (above the line Entered), calculator will open.
- Enter amount of funds to be deposited (to enter an amount equal to amount of debt, click "+").
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
Done! Amount has been deposited.
Mass payment of invoices
- On the toolbar, click .
- Choose Deposit cash, payment form will open.
- Click on empty field (above the line Entered), calculator will open.
- Enter amount of funds to be deposited (to enter an amount equal to amount of debt, click "+").
- To distribute amount by invoices, set flag Post by invoices, starting from top in list.
- If flag is not set, amount is paid without specifying reason.
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
Done! Amount is posted on invoices.
With automatic separation:
- if amount of cash accepted is equal to amount of debt, then all invoices are extinguished in full;
- if amount of cash accepted is less than amount of debt, then part of invoices is extinguished in full, and part is partially or not extinguished at all (amount of partially paid invoice is highlighted in red);
- if amount of cash accepted is greater than amount of debt, then all invoices are extinguished in full, and balance of funds is paid without reason (i.e. as an advance payment).
Making payment without reason or prepayment
- On the toolbar, click .
- Choose Deposit cash. payment form will open.
- Click on empty field (above line Entered), calculator will open.
- Enter amount of funds to be deposited (to enter an amount equal to amount of debt, click "+").
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
Done! Amount has been deposited.
In the list of invoices, it is indicated as Payment without specifying reason.
Features of prepayment processing
- To indicate prepayment, Outlet / Owner and Counteragent should not have any debt.
- You can deposit any amount as prepayment.
- When specifying prepayment, it is necessary to specify seller and counteragent in details of document.
- Prepayment is displayed as negative debt value.
Additional operations
Grouping invoices
To group invoices by firms, outlets, or counterparties, click
and choose Grouping.Filtering invoices
To filter invoices, click
, filter list opens:- Without filter — all invoices are displayed;
- Overdue — invoices that have exceeded debt period limit;
- Payment period is approaching — invoices that have expired term of debt period limit;
- Do not require payment — invoices for which debt period limit has not been exceeded / does not expire;
- By seller (firm) — invoices of selected seller (firm), by default filter by firms is removed, i.e. invoices for all firms are displayed;
- By point of sale — invoices of selected Point of Sale (by default, filter is set for current Point of Sale);
- By counteragent — invoices of counteragent of owner of selected Outlet.
Filtering is not available if there are no outstanding invoices in Cash Receipt Order document.
Filters by outlets and counteragents may not be available depending on company's business processes.
Saving document
After entering amounts for all necessary invoices, click Save.
When saving document with funds without reason, system displays dialog with details of document (amount, firm, counteragent, contract).
- Edit — change details, do not save document;
- Save — confirm details, save document.
Editing document
It is forbidden to edit or delete document in order to limit possibilities of fraud on mobile employees side.