

Mutual Payments Report displays information about changes in accounts receivable for a certain period of time in context of retail outlets.

Calling dialog form:  > Reports > Mutual payments

Report Fields

Header part

Header part displays type of detail and period for which mutual payments with retail outlets are displayed. 
Data in report is grouped by outlets.

Table part

  • Debt — amount of debt on unpaid documents.
  • Payment — amount of funds deposited by client.

Report configuration

Data filtering

To filter data in report, click on the toolbar and select desired filter.
The following filters are available:

  • outlets — show data only for selected point of sale,
  • outlets classifiers — for all outlets of selected classifier,
  • outlets owners — for all outlets of selected owner.

Report period

  1. Click .
  2. Choose Calendar.
  3. Specify begin and end of period or select one of preset options (today, current week, last 7 days, month).
  4. Click Select.

Details level

By default, report is built with details by date.
To change level of details:

  1. Click .
  2. Choose Settings, list of settings opens.
  3. Choose Details.
  4. Select details option:
  • Details by dates — amounts of debts and payments are distributed by dates,
  • Details by debt documents — amounts of debts and payments are distributed by Shipment documents;
  • Details by payment documents — amounts of payments are distributed by Cash Receipt Orders documents, and amounts of debts are not displayed.